Online Curriculum Videos

Hwa Rang Do Global Online University

Cyberdojang - Online Instruction by Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

Kixco Martial Art Supplies

Live By The Sword

Online Curriculum Videos

Now that summer is over and everyone is getting back to a more consistent training schedule, there is opportunity to clean up and progress on your Belt Level curriculum.  Summer brain fog is real when it comes to keeping all the material straight, but there is a great online resource available to help you or your child out!

The basic curriculum level of the Cyberdojang is available to all students that have an active WHRDA membership on  While the Foundation series is great for all new students, the entire Tae Soo Do® curriculum is ready and waiting 24 hours a day for your training needs.  The belt material will appear automatically based on your current rank (you can see your rank plus all lower rank levels), and there are filters available to help find and sort what specific items you need.

It is easy to simply stay focused on your current belt level training only, however, it is essential to not forget where you came from.  For everyone striving for Black Belt excellence, you need to make sure that you have clarity in regard to all belt levels including the basics, techniques, forms, and weapon forms of all ranks at all times.  There are some people that don’t keep up that well, and then have to spend extended time as a Half-Black re-learning all that they have forgotten. 

I have always seen a lot of benefit using the previous rank material in my warm-up routines.  Even though I may not be going 100%, practicing the motions in a clean, smooth, and deliberate manner helps keep the mind connected to the patterns of the curriculum.  That regular practice alone will certainly help keep the material fresh!  However, when you are unsure of a form move or you need clarification on a detail of a technique, just log into and go to the Cyberdojang to get things right.  While practice is important, if you practice the wrong thing over and over again then you are only reinforcing a bad habit!  So, make sure to login, to make sure you are on point!

One of the great things about HRD & TSD is that we have a standardized curriculum.  No matter where you are in the world, you are participating in a unified martial art.  Not only are the instructors responsible for matching the standards in their class instruction, but you as a student must meet them in your performance at exams and tournaments. 

Along with the development of the expansive curriculum of the art, the Hwa Rang Do® World Headquarters does so much to ensure the quality of our programs and art globally on an operations level.  Your annual support via the WHRDA membership goes a long way in helping the organization, which is why the curriculum access discussed above is included for you as a premium benefit.  Once you are logged into the website, just check the “MY WHRDA MEMBERSHIP” link on the left, and this page will load your status along with any children you have listed as students.  As a reminder, parents do not need to purchase these memberships, but can for additional art support if interested.  All active training students are required to have an active WHRDA membership which also maintains your rank certifications.  Please also note, that an active WHRDA membership is also needed to gain access to the Global Training University with Grandmaster Lee which includes weekly live-interactive sessions plus the incredible training archive.

If you are a new student, please make sure to process your WHRDA membership right away to gain access to the special online training.  If you are an older student, simply renew each year via the link provided on the membership page.  Otherwise, best wishes in your fall training, and I hope that your consistent efforts bring forth positive results in your health & strength!

News Release Date: 
Monday, October 11, 2021 - 9:06pm
Hwa Rang Do World Headquarters