Welcome to the first Issue of the WHRDA Newsletter
Welcome to the first Issue of the World Hwa Rang Do® Association (WHRDA) Newsletter!
Our aim is to develop a dynamic and insightful collection of stories, articles, and event related information to keep you inspired and moving forward.
Each month’s installment will feature WHRDA updates from Kuksanim and Master Sirny, Non-profit news, student features, health and training related articles, upcoming events and more!
Every student of Hwa Rang Do® should know that our mission goes far beyond just being “good martial artists”, and our true focus is on becoming outstanding individuals that possess true inner content. Daily through our training, interactions with our fellow man and society at large we are asked to remake ourselves into a higher ideal of who are and can become. Through the collective body of our knowledge, insights, and stories, we can share much in the way of our triumphs, defeats, and moments of truth along the warrior’s path we all travel.
We look forward to all that is to be shared by our Hwa Rang Do Community and may it shine brightly like a beacon in the darkness.
Kyobumnim Daniel J. LaFave
World Hwa Rang Do® Association Newsletter: Issue #1 - May, 2021 |