WHRDA 2021 Digitial Summer Event Announcement
I hope the spring is treating you well, and that the fresh air is invigorating your spirit. As the seasons change, we must also continue to move forward with our life’s journey. Of course the past year has been a challenge, and the many governmental lockdowns have inhibited our capacity to gather in-person, yet we recognize that the strength of our community and the bonds of our brotherhood propel us to expand to greater heights.
It is unfortunate that international travel and group events are still under significant restrictions preventing us from another year of our traditional annual Hwa Rang Do summer gathering in person. However, it is essential that we still gather together and that we will still connect this year through the digital world! Yes, this summer of 2021 we will be holding a Digital Championship Tournament, special live interactive seminars with Kuksanim & Dojoonim, and also have a celebration of annual awards, tournament results, and a special highlight of Italy’s 20th Anniversary!
The Digital Championships will allow for competition in 4 types of events:
- Open Hand Forms for Juniors & Adults (Basics for Tigers)
- Weapon Forms
- Self-Defense
- Shibumn – Demonstration
Registration deadline for this special tournament is Sunday midnight June 20th, and Video submission must occur by June 30th. The Winners’ Videos will be promoted through our YouTube channel and all social media platforms and will remain on the Hwa Rang Do® YouTube Channel library (So do your best as you will remembered online in perpetuity!) Please click the following links for all the tournament details:
English Tournament Details | Italian Tournament Details
The annual seminar training has always been important, as it is your chance to train directly with the head Grandmasters of Hwa Rang Do! These sessions will be held on Sunday July 11th, and will feature:
Kuksanim, Grandmaster Taejoon Lee – Handwork : Striking, Defense , Counters in Close-in Fighting for Full Contact and Yongtoogi
This session will cover striking in-close fighting, blocking, ducking, parrying, weaving, and rolling for maximize your pugilist techniques for improved sparring and fighting. This session is open to all belt ranks!
Dojoonim, Dr. Joo Bang Lee – Kiap Chagi: Breathing Exercises for Ki Power Development
In this Session Dojoonim will review all the various Kiap Chagi within HRD for Ki Power Development and Health. This session is open to all students, and we also encourage your family and friends to join in as no experience is necessary as well as being beneficial to everyone, especially the elderly).
For seminar details including time zone scheduling on Sunday July 11th please see the details here:
English Seminar Details | Italian Seminar Details
Recognizing accomplishments and the pursuit of excellence is also an integral part of walking the Hwarang Path. Along with our annual awards and tournament winner announcements, this year marks the 20th year of Hwa Rang Do instruction in Italy under the guidance of Chief Instructor Marco Mattiucci. Italy has become the heartland of Hwa Rang Do globally with many clubs of enthusiastic practitioners, and we hope you can join us in celebrating this special milestone!
English Celebration Details | Italian Celebration Details
In order to get signed up for this special event and join in the action, you can register at www.hwarangdo.org. If you already have a website account and profile information is setup for you and your family, simply go to the REGISTRATION PAGE HERE to get processed – you are good to go!
However, if you have not yet registered to the www.hwarangdo.org website, this is an important step for all Hwa Rang Do & Tae Soo Do students (and parents)! Not only will you be able to register to this and all future global and local events, you will also gain access to special online training including your belt-by-belt curriculum. This website is an incredible resource to all students, so make sure to get registered, make sure your annual association membership is current, and then make sure to get in on all the action online!
Instructions for website account registration is here: https://hwarangdo.org/new-account-setup-steps
2021 Summer Event Registration is here: https://hwarangdo.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=167
Best wishes in your training! We cannot wait to see the videos for the tournament, and also see you in the zoom sessions on July 11th!
Hwarang Forever!
Master Dylan Sirny
World Hwa Rang Do® Association Newsletter: Issue #2 - June, 2021 |